Grow Room Air Quality: Is a Portable Cleaner the Answer?

Portable grow room air cleaners offer a quiet, compact, and unobtrustive solution for capturing odors, smoke, and other airborne contaminants from small to medium-sized growing, drying, and curing rooms. Portable air cleaners feature a plug-and-play design to provide immediate air filtration and can be conviently manuevered or moved around the grow room as required.

Portables are ideal for grow operations where space is at a maximum – if your growing, drying, or curing room is 400 sq. ft. or smaller, these systems are an excellent choice. Portable air cleaners are designed to provide the ultimate flexibility and dependability so that you can focus on growing instead of worrying about air quality conditions.

It's extremely easy for bacteria, mold, viruses, and other harmful air contaminants to make their way into grow rooms, potentially destroying crops. Air cleaning systems filter and eliminate grow room threats while keeping clean air moving. CleanLeaf portable air cleaners feature 360° air intake to draw contaminated air into each side of the system and pass it through a 4-stage filter process:

✓ Stage 1: During the first stage of filtration, the large particle pre-filter captures dust, hair, dander, and other large particulate.
✓ Stage 2: The medium particle pre-filter in the second stage collects mold, pollen, and other small to medium-sized particulate.
✓ Stage 3: Carbon and zeolite work together in the third filtration stage to achieve maximum chemical, odor, and gas absorption.
✓ Stage 4: The last filter stage provides 60 sq ft. of true, medical-grade HEPA filtration to remove 99.7% of contaminants larger than 0.3 microns.

Indoor grow room showing cannabis drying.

Specialized filter technology enables CleanLeaf portables to capture bacteria, mold spores, viruses, and other air contaminants until the airstream is clean and can recirculate throughout the grow space. Our portable air cleaners filter 400 Cubic Feet of Air per Minute and work continously to protect smaller grow spaces from common threats.

Portable Grow Room Air Cleaner Benefits

Convenient icon

1. Convenient

Because portable air cleaners don't require a permanent, fixed installation, they can operate and relocate without any adjustments!

Affordable Icon.

2. Affordable

By eliminating installation costs, portable grow room air cleaners save costs from the point of purchase.

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3. Adaptable

Portable air cleaning systems act as a solution for a range of applications. These portable systems aren't constrained by size and can be easily moved to and from various areas.

Low Maintenance icon

4. Low Maintenance

The simple construction of our portable air cleaners reduces maintenance and saves business owners on long-term costs.

Each detail of the CleanLeaf portable air cleaner has been hand-selected by industry experts to guarantee maximum effectiveness and efficiency. By utilizing medical-grade HEPA filter media, CleanLeaf portables meet HEPA standards —trapping 99.7% of particulates larger than 0.3 microns. CleanLeaf is backed by over 40+ years of experience in the air filtraton industry and our team is ready to help you #GetYourAirRight

If you'd like to learn more about our portable grow room air cleaners, get in touch with our specialists or request a free quote today!

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